— Peer Specialists
A July 2016 UNICEF briefing note shows that there are one hundred and fifty million children around the world, between the ages of five and eighteen living and working on the street. Our association activates projects to support these children in different parts of the world.
The Peer Specialists project is activated each year from January to June in a country predefined by the association’s committee where an important contextual need is identified. Peer specialists are individuals who have had prior personal experience as street children and play the role of social facilitators in the project. Peer Specialists are provided training by Kalkidan experts on coaching and basic educational tools through distance and in-field training.
Peer Specialists meet every morning with a group of 10 street children and carry out play and educational activities with them with the aim of developing skills and creating a protected space for children. This, keeping them away from violence, abuse and exploitation. Convivial times are held during the activities, where children can have snacks inside the community center.
Kalkidan 2024 will activate the project in Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Fekat association based in Addis Ababa.
— The Children of No One
The Children of No One Project is a school outreach that targets elementary and middle school children in the Ticino area. Our partners meet with children and give them awareness of what is happening in the world and what challenges children of the same age face in very complex economic and social contexts. Experiential activities, role-plays and formative moments are being proposed to schools.
— World Culture
The World Culture project organizes cultural evening meetings six times a year to discover remote worlds and their civilizations, different customs and traditions. Events organized by members aim to create greater awareness and moments of sharing through viewing films and meetings with local and international writers.